Family Lines Newsletter, May 20, 2004
**A Peek at "Peak" This Summer **
By Chris Benjamin
Peak of the Week will meet during the summer and it promises to be inspirational, challenging, and encouraging.  We meet Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. (that's why it is the Peak of the Week) in the Family Life Center, and our time is spent singing, reading Scripture, sharing prayer requests, writing notes of encouragement, and hearing from one another.  This summer our West-Ark shepherds will share stories about their faith, the path that brought them to Christ, and their zeal for God's kingdom.  If you are a new member at West-Ark, this will be a great opportunity to get to know the men who have been called to shepherd us in our congregation.
Here's the schedule for Peak of the Week that takes us through mid-July:
May 26 - Pinnacle Peak: Youth Group and Peak of the Week combined
~Shepherd Series in Peak of the Week~

June 2 - Joe Pistole
June 9 - Earl Flood
June 16 - Bob Null
June 23 - Bill Dickey
June 30 - Special Peak: TBA
July 7 - Michael Cole
July 14 - Roy Dunavin
July 21 - No Peak this Week - It's VBS!
All ages are welcome to Peak of the Week.  If you would like to participate in Peak or have ideas about our time together, please let me know. You can send me an email at chris@westarkchurchofchrist.org.
See you on Wednesday!
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**Bible Camp for Kids**
Thirteen (13) kids from The Way hope to go to camp this summer (July 4-10). You can make it happen! There are two ways to help.
1. Sponsor a camper. The cost per camper is $100 for Green Valley Bible Camp. Please get your donations to Jack Lewis as soon as possible.
2. Purchase needed supplies.  A list of each camper's supply needs will be posted on the bulletin board in the foyer around June 1st.
**Opportunity to Help**
A member of The Way needs medical treatment not covered by insurance. The cost will be about $630. If you would like to help, contact Jack Lewis at 459-0168.
**New Wednesday Evening Ladies' Bible Class**
This discussion class begins Wednesday, June 2nd in Room 210. Come prepared to discuss the first chapter of The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren.
**Sunday Morning**
Graduation Sunday
Brad Pistole, Speaker
**Sunday Evening**
Jim Strait, Guest Speaker
Southern Christian Home
**Congratulations to Our Graduates**
Class of 2004
Abuzeide, Landon - SHS
Benincosa, Casey - GHS
Berger, John - NHS
Bryant, Mitchell - GHS
Cunningham, Brooke - GHS
Evans, Katherine - NHS
Griffin, Nathan - RVCS
Hope, Brendan - Cameron
Lemley, Jennifer - GHS
Lindgren, Arista - GHS
Pressley, Chance - SHS
Pressley, Wade- SHS
Vonghdara, John - NHS
Walker, Callie - SHS
Word, Daniel - Home School
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 4)
**Good Samaritan Clinic**
The items below are needed at the Clinic. You may take donations directly to them at 615 North B Street in Fort Smith. At the front window, ask for Millie.
* Copy paper 
* Scotch tape 
* Lysol spray
* Peroxide 
* Toilet tissue 
* Paper towels
* Pens 
* Paper plates 
* Cotton balls
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**Remember in Prayer**
* John Hundley is in St. Edward ICU after surgery on Wednesday morning. He will remain in the hospital for 2-3 weeks.
* Mary Francis Williams (mother of Yolanda Gunn) is in the hospital with pneumonia.
* Adam Jenkins (son of Dena & Kerry) is having tests repeated at Children's Hospital on Thursday.
* Praise! Robin Harper's 6 month check-up at MD Anderson Hospital was clear.
* John Paul Hundley has completed his cancer treatments.
* Jewell (Madzey) House
* Sanh Luongvan is in St. Edward Hospital, LT3-1.
* Jamie Loftin (pregnant with twins)
* Maile McDonald
* Judi Green
* Hesslen Family
* Sunny McDonald (brother of Curtis)
* Bennie Hedrick (mother of Nancy James)
* Allen & Sandy Williams request continued prayers for their son, John Mark in Children's Hospital.
**Dismissed from the Hospital**
* John Smith (father of Patty Kaiser)
* Anna Ramsey
* Donnie Gammill (son of Genneil Nye)
* Doy Wilkins (father of Nancy Dockery)
Our love and sympathy is extended to Nolan Marr in the recent death of his sister, Ethel McCain of Roland, Oklahoma.
We extend our love and sympathy to Joe Pistole in the death of his aunt, Dolly Grubb of Branch, AR. Funeral services were May 20th at Smith Mortuary Chapel in Charleston. 
**Prayers for Our Military**
* Daniel Kweekul (son of Thomas and Cindy) leaves for one year service in Iraq on May 31st. He is in the Army.
Currently serving in Iraq are:
*  Phillip Lux (nephew of Terri Jones)
* Johnny Lindgren (son of the John & Donna Lindgren)
* Brandon Daws (husband of Amanda Daws)
**Baby Shower for Twins**
A shower honoring Jamie Loftin is planned for Sunday, May 23, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the home of Robin Simpson, 7211 Blackjack Drive in Fort Smith.  Jamie is registered at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Target, and Dillard's.  Jamie is
expecting twins, a boy and a girl!
**7 Baptisms**
Recently, there were 7 baptisms in one day in the Lao congregation! All those baptized were children or teens who speak perfect English. If you would like to send cards, the addresses are below.
John and Judy Vongdara
2226 Churchill
Fort Smith, AR 72904
Jenny Phommakay
850 Alma Street
Alma, AR 72921
Anna and Nava Sipathoum
3509 Ridge Way
Fort Smith, AR 72904
Vindy Vinnarath
4613 N. 31st Street
Fort Smith, AR 72904
Linda Phetsanghanh
2005 N. 35th Street
Fort Smith, AR 72904
**Note of Thanks**
Dear West-Ark family,
Once again you have opened your hearts in prayer on my behalf as I have undergone tests and a week's hospital stay.  To be 1,200 miles from home makes it even more difficult.  Your cards, calls and concern have helped us through this difficult period.  It is great to be back home, and we hope to see you Sunday.  Thank you very much.
 In Christian Love,
 Helen & Richard Branum
**Elders and Deacons Meeting**
FLC Classroom
Sunday, May 23rd, 4:00 p.m.
**Happy Birthday**
May 23
Dustin Byrd
David Myers
May 26
Bonnie Marrs
Rachelle Pratt
May 27
Landon Abuzeide
May 28
Norma Graf
Ethan Heras
Carl Nichols
Greg Null
Hannah Null
Lenora Word
May 29
Jerry Canfield
Billy Hines
May 31
Elizabeth Harper
Bailey Williams
**Wedding Invitation**
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mason
and Ms. Vicky A. Mason
request the honour  of your presence
At the marriage of their daughter
Amy Elizabeth to Patrick Lowell Stinson
son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Stinson III
on Saturday, May 29 at half past seven o'clock (in the evening)
Immaculate Conception Church
22 North 13 Street
Fort Smith, Arkansas
Reception following ceremony
Fianna Hills Country Club
1 Essex Place
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**Family Life Ministry**
By Brad Pistole
~Special Assembly this Sunday Morning~
It's official, the graduation season is upon us. This past Friday night, I joined several of our families as we watched our students graduate from Greenwood High School. Then, Sunday afternoon, a handful of us went to Cameron, OK to watch Brendan Hope graduate.
Congratulations to Casey Benincosa, Mitchell Bryant, Brooke Cunningham, Jennifer Lemley, and Arista Lindgren from Greenwood High. Congratulations to Brendan Hope for surviving life in Oklahoma (just kidding Brendan).
We still have graduates from River Valley Christian, Northside and Southside who look forward to their ceremonies in the coming week. Congratulations to Nathan Griffin who will graduate from RVCS and to John Berger, Katherine Evans, and John Vonghdara from Northside and to Landon Abuzeide, Chance Pressley, Wade Pressley, and Callie Walker from Southside. We also congratulate Daniel Word, a National Merit Finalist, who was home schooled for 13 years. We are so proud of all of you. That's why we want to recognize you and honor you with a special assembly this coming Sunday morning.
If you are able to worship with us this Sunday, May 23rd, we will be honoring the senior class of 2004. It will be a day filled with memories and stories of faith that are based on the bonds and relationships we have because of Jesus Christ. Please join us as we honor Christ and our graduates for all they have done through the strength that God has given them.
Please remember that the front two sections of pews will be reserved this Sunday morning for our graduates and all of their family members.
**Fourth Sunday Nursery**
A.M. Nursery
Berniece Rogers
Sharon Faries
Tracy Risley
Larry & Donna Roper
P.M. Nursery
Marjorie Blake
Angela Dunavant
**Attendance and Contribution Count**
Sunday A. M.   662
Bible Classes  437
Sunday Night 272
Small Groups  23
Wednesday P.M.  313
Contribution   $15,169
Children's Home   $194
The Way  45
Hispanic Attendance 37
Hispanic Contribution $168
Laotian Attendance  35
Laotian Contribution   $149
Office Phone (479) 452-1240
Fax  (479) 452-5767