Christian Growth Series

Lesson 31


Christ has not left the Christian helpless. Any Christian can overcome sin if he will try and if he will let God help him. Christians can overcome sin of the world because God who is in them is more powerful than Satan who is in the world (I John 4:4). Christians who have true obedient faith will surely overcome the world (I John 5:3-5).

How can a Christian overcome temptation and sin? Here are three suggestions that will help:

STAY AWAY FROM PLACES OF TEMPTATION. Paul warned in Thessalonians 5:22, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." When you see evil, stay far from it. A person who plays in a viper's nest is begging to be bitten. A person who plays in a tiger's house is begging to be eaten.

The Christian who stays near sin is asking to be tempted and captured. A person who is easily tempted to be drunk is stupid to visit a bar or mimbo shed. A person who is easily tempted with fornication is stupid to talk with free women. Every serious Christian must stay away from places of temptation!

AVOID WICKED FRIENDS . Paul said, "Evil communications corrupt good manners" (I Corinthians 15:33). Another translation says, "Evil companionship corrupt good morals" (ASV). Do you want your sons' best friends and daily companions to be thieves? No! Do you want your daughters' best friends and daily companions to be free women? No! Why? You know thieves will tempt your sons to steal and free women will tempt your daughters to commit fornication. You know if your child always follows wicked people, someday he will enter wickedness. In the same way, evil friends will encourage Christians to sin. Wicked people enjoy seeing Christians fall into sin. Make Christians your best friends. Follow only good people for companionship.

RESIST THE DEVIL THROUGH PRAYER AND STUDY. James said, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). When you face strong temptation, pray to God for help. That is what Jesus told his disciples to do (Matthew 6:9-13). Study your Bible regularly. Knowledge of the Bible produces faith and love for God. Faith and love give the power to defeat temptation.

What if a Christian does sin? What should he do? Does he need to be baptized again? No, a Christian who has been properly baptized does not need baptism again. When you sin as a Christian, do the same thing Peter told Simon to do in Acts 8:22. Repent of your sin and pray for forgiveness. If we confess our sins, God will forgive us (I John 1:9). If you sin privately, private prayer to God for forgiveness is enough. If your sin is known by one or two persons, go tell them of your repentance and pray for forgiveness. If our sin is known by the village and the church, confess your sin publicly to the church and ask them to pray with you for your forgiveness. Any Christian can overcome sin!


  1. Why is it possible for a Christian to overcome sin?

  2. What Christians will surely overcome sin?

  3. Give 3 things that will help a Christian overcome sin.

  4. Explain how staying away from places of temptation will help you overcome sin.

  5. Explain how avoiding wicked friends will help you overcome sin.

  6. How can a Christian resist the devil?

  7. What should a Christian who sins do to receive forgiveness?

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