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Lesson 13

TEXT: Genesis 27, 28, & 29


    1. Discuss what you chose to do from last week's "Searching Our Lives" suggestions.

    2. From last week's lesson, what gave you a favorable impression of Isaac and Rebekah?

      What gave you an unfavorable impression of Isaac and Rebekah?


    1. Whom does Isaac want to bless and why? (27:1-4)

    2. What task does Isaac send Esau on before giving him his blessing? (verses 3-4)

    3. After hearing Isaac's instructions to Esau, what does Rebekah set out to do? (verses 5-10)

    4. Rebekah and Jacob deceive Isaac in different ways. List some of those ways. (verses 6-29)

    5. What happens when Esau returns home and discovers that his blessing has been given to Jacob? (verses 34-41)

    6. As a result of her and Jacob's deception, what is Rebekah forced to tell Jacob to do? (verses 42-45)

    7. Before fleeing, what instructions does Jacob receive from Isaac? (28:1-5)

    8. What reaction does Esau have to his brother's departure to Paddan Aram to find a wife? (verses 6-9)

    9. On his journey, Jacob has a dream. Describe it. (verses 10-15)

      1. Upon waking from the dream, what does Jacob do? (verses 16-22)

      2. What vow does Jacob make at this time?

    10. After reaching the land of the eastern peoples, Jacob comes across a field. What does he find there? (29:1-3)

    11. What does he ask the shepherds, and how do they respond? (verses 4-6)

    12. Who comes up to Jacob as he's talking to the shepherds? (verse 9)

      1. What does Jacob do after seeing Rachel? (verses 10-12)

      2. What does she do?

    13. After hearing of Jacob's arrival, how does Laban greet Jacob? (verses 13-14)

    14. Jacob has worked for Laban for a month when Laban allows Jacob to ask for wages for his work. What does Jacob ask for as payment for his labor? (verses 15-18)

    15. After working 7 years, Jacob expects to marry Rachel. What happens instead? (verses 21-23)

    16. When Jacob realizes he has married Leah instead of Rachel, what agreement is made between him and Laban? (verses 25-30)

    17. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. Because of this, Leah was blessed by the Lord. How was she blessed? (verse 31)

    18. Name the four sons of Leah and Jacob. (verses 32-35)


    1. God has always desired truthfulness from his followers. Read Philippians 4:8-9. Paul mentions several things in these verses that a Christian should pursue. List them.

      What were Jacob's pursuits, and how did they differ from those listed in Philippians 4?

    2. Despite his deception of his father, Jacob found compassion from Isaac before leaving home. How did Isaac show compassion to Jacob? (28:1-5)

      The apostle Paul also received compassion from God despite the path he had followed before meeting Christ. Read Acts 8:3 and Acts 9:1-2, and describe Paul's (Saul's) mission at that time.

      Read Hebrews 8:12 and 1 John 1:9, and state what God did for Paul and will do for us, regarding our sins.


    1. Jacob was deceptive toward his father and his brother, yet was surprised when Laban tricked him into marrying Leah instead of Rachel. Can you remember a time when you treated someone unfairly and then had the same thing happen to you? How did it change your view of your actions as well as the actions of the person who mistreated you?

    2. There are many things in the world today that promise one thing but deliver something completely different. Try to think of some of these things, and discuss their impact on those who choose to believe the deception.

    3. In contrast to the previous question, what can those who look to God and the Bible for direction in their lives be certain of?

  5. SEARCHING OUR LIVES (Choose one of the following to complete and discuss for next week.)

    1. Start each day this week in God's word and in prayer, and let Him direct your thoughts and actions. Pay close attention not only to the words you speak aloud but also to your thoughts as you go through the week.

    2. List any ways that you have allowed Satan to have a foothold in your life, whether it be TV, music, unhealthy habits, etc. Work hard this week to eliminate those habits from your daily life by replacing them with more Godly pursuits.

    3. Choose someone in your life that you have lost contact with or haven't had the time to encourage the way you would have liked. Find several ways this week to reconnect with and encourage that person.

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